The Oldest Distillery in Sicily

Today still active in its entirety and still independent under the control of the Russo family for as many as 5 generations. The farm is located in the village of Santa Venerina, at the foot of Mount Etna. This small town can boast of ancient vocations to distillation.

In the past there were dozens of companies present and we could even boast of artisan still-makers.

With its 7 columns, made of copper and steel, the DISTILLERIA DELL’ETNA, distills: through a continuous, vacuum process, the finest pomace from leading Sicilian wineries and the fresh, natural aromas of the best local botanicals.

Innovation for us means not betraying tradition

Producing high-quality liqueurs and spirits that can engage consumers by anticipating their desires and tastes.

Resuming the tradition by renewing it consistently but relentlessly through strengthening the link between the enterprise and the territory understood as places, traditions and talents.

Constant experimentation with new products through the production of liqueurs and distillates that are unique in their organoleptic and olfactory characteristics and alternative uses to traditional ones.

To make products that engage the senses in a holistic and cross-cutting way, in an overall vision in which the protagonist is the final consumer who, through the drinking experience, travels, knows, learns and gets excited.

Managing to bring sicilia inside a glass around the world!

Anticipating trends by creating from time to time the next product that the market will demand, so as to be pioneers in Sicily and carriers of the world of mixing and drinking well.

While always respecting the natural elements that compose them, using excellent raw materials
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